MAY 2019 THIS week's PICTURE

Oxford, Easter : photo by Malcolm Aslett

The photos for this piece must be about twelve years old or more. The scene is Oxford. Is this the covered area behind the Clarendon among the Bodleian buildings? It is smack dab in the heart of it that's for sure. It was a cool and sunny morning as you might guess, perfect for the colour those old bricks have to offer. I love that warm yellow brown Oxford stone. And there has to be a lot of shadow in Oxford because of the low climbing sun in early Spring and the narrow throughfares that can keep a chill on at least one side of the street for most of the day. You can lose a lot of detail in a regular photograph because of strong light versus shadow. It took me a few hours to put this together and hide certain tonal areas that distracted, as well as fiddling with the architectural details so that they are transformed to be individually unrepeatable but not so absurd as to draw surprise. The boy pointing at the cameraman is like a spoil sport giving the game away - "Yes, it wasn't made by itself. There is a cameraperson!" says the politically correct young person. Oxford, in the patois of the American, is awesome. I took so many photographs but wish I'd taken ten or twenty or a hundred times the amount. Don't make the same mistakes i did, kids.





